Certificate of Proficiency | 16 credits
Program Website
Academic Advising
Program Description
The SLCC Biotechnology Certificate of Proficiency efficiently prepares students for employment in Utah’s growing biotech industry. Students will gain practical lab skills and an understanding of the role of regulations and quality in industry, and practice effective communication in both research and manufacturing oriented environments. The Certificate stacks fully into the Biotechnology AS, promoting further education.
Biotechnology courses are offered for credit, in a competency-based education (CBE) format. Classes are not scheduled in the traditional way; instead, students work online and attend the open learning lab as their schedules permit. Students work at their own pace, and have the opportunity to accelerate completion. Students must achieve a B or better in all aspects of biotechnology courses in order to move on to the next course.
Transfer/Articulation Information
Please refer to the Student Resources section of the SLCC University Transfer webpage.
Estimated Cost for Students
Tuition and student fees: http://www.slcc.edu/student/financial/tuition-fees.aspx
Course fees: $75
Note: Fees vary based upon specific registration and are subject to changes.